Monday, January 31, 2011

Make today Matter...
Have Amber alerts sent to you.
AMBER stands for "America's Missing: Broadcast Emergency Response" and was created as a legacy to 9-year old Amber Hagerman, who was kidnapped while riding her bicycle in Arlington, TX, then brutally murdered.
-76% of abducted children who are murdered are dead within 3 hours of the abduction and 88.5% are dead within 24 hrs.
-336 children have been reunited with their families because of AMBER alerts.
-70% of people with cell phones are eligible to receive wireless AMBER alert txt messages.
-100% of computers can have the AMBER alert ticker downloaded onto them.
-AMBER alerts are active in all 50 states.
Protecting children from abduction and locating those who have been abducted is the twofold purpose of AMBER ALERTS. They increase the number of people who can help locate an abducted child or deter predators, and the have caused perpetrators to release the abducted child after hearing or seeing the AMBER Alert. Remember, those first three hours are everything to that child and his or her family.
Your eyes and action could mean the difference between a life lost and a life saved.
from the book Every Monday Matters
by Matthew Emerzian & Kelly Bozza

Wednesday, January 26, 2011


Out of the bosom of the air,
Out of the cloud-folds of her garments shaken,
Over the woodland brown and bare,
Over the harvest-fields forsaken, silent,
And soft, and slow descends the snow.

-Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

Monday, January 24, 2011


make today matter...
Turn off your tv
-99% of all homes have at least one TV - 45% have three or more.
-56% of all 8 to 16 year olds have a TV in their bedroom.
- A person watches TV an average of 40 days per year.
- Children spend 1,023 hours a year watching TV compared to 900 hours in school.
- 200,000 violent acts, including 16,000 murders, will be seen by children before their 18th birthday.
- Roughly 70% of all TV shows include sexual content, with an average of 5 sexual scenes per hour.
- On average, 38.5 minutes per week of meaningful conversation happens between a parent and a child.
1. Turn Off Your TV Today.
2. Designate certain TV-free times throughout the week.
3.Remove TVs from bedrooms, kitchens, etc.
4.Make a list of activities to do, like reading, biking, walking, or spending time with friends. Then start doing them.
5. Avoid using TV as a reward - this increases it's power.
6. Be more selective about programing.
If you give up TV for just one day a week, you can exercise for the recommended weekly amount necessary for healthy living, read over 20 books a year, and spend more time with your loved ones.
From the Book - Every Monday Matters
Written by - Matthew Emerzian & Kelly Bozza

Monday, January 17, 2011

From the book Every Monday Matters, 52 ways to make a difference.
By Matthew Emerzian & Kelly Bozza.
Not for fame, but for greatness.
Because greatness is determined by SERVICE.
-Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
Make today matter...
What really matters most to you?
Your relationships? Helping others? Passions? Faith? Security? Health? At the end of each year don't you want to look backand see that you've made a difference? That you matter?
It's the start of a new year. Start it off by making the difference in you, in your life, and in the lives of those you love.
Time spent on what matters most is never a waste of time.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Best Books of 2010

As 2010 drew to a close we, here at Richland Library, looked back at the books that made an impact on us through the year. Some were familiar authors and some were brand new, but one thing was certain we wouldn't want to have missed these titles!


The Year of the Flood - Margaret Atwood

Home Safe - Elizabeth Berg

The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo Trilogy - Steig Larsson

Sarah's Key - Tatiana de Rosney

The Last Song - Nicholas Sparks

The Help - Kathryn Stockett

Winter Garden - Kristin Hannah

The Color of Lightening - Paulette Jiles


Stop Acting Rich...and Start Living Like a Millionaire - Thomas J. Stanley

Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks - Rebecca Skloot

Unbroken - Laura Hillenbrand

Kids, Parents and Power Stuggles: Winning for a Lifetime - Mary Sheedy Kurcinka


Ugly Pie - Lisa Wheeler

Art & Max - David Wiesner

The Quiet Book - Deborah Underwood

Ladybug Girl at the Beach - Jacky Davis & David Soman

Of Thee I Sing: a Letter to My Daughters - Barack Obama

Bats at the Ballgame - Brian Lies